Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Genex Angus Bulls Sire Champions at American Royal

SAV Bismarck 6852

SAV Bismarck 6852, SAV Pioneer 7301, SAV Providence 6922, and SAV Net Worth 4200 were among the sires of division champions at the American Royal Open Angus Show last week.

Here are the current Canadian prices on these Genex bulls.
Bismarck, $35.
Pioneer, $40.
Providence, $30 for conventional. GenChoice 90 Female $60 (regular price), on sale until December 31st for $50.
Net Worth, $40 for conventional. GenChoice 90 Female $75 (regular price), on sale until December 31st for $60. GenChoice 90 Male $70 (regular price), on sale until December 31st for $55.

For Maritime Genex Beef sales, contact Kurt Duncan. 902-569-5907 (home), 902-393-3032 (cell) or kurtduncan@pei.sympatico.ca or kduncan@crinet.com.

For American Royal Results, visit http://royalresults.wordpress.com/